There are two levels of assurance:
- Limited Assurance, being the lowest and provided under the review engagements
- Reasonable Assurance, provided under the audit engagement
The audit is generally an extensive and time taking exercise. Its scope mainly consists of test of controls and substantive procedures.
Our team of licensed public accountants specializing in various industries can audit financial statements or any other information. We can go beyond the typical assurance assistance and give our clients the information and feedback they need to improve their financial reporting system and operations.
Review is slightly less extensive, takes less time, and provides limited assurance. Its scope mainly consists of inquiry, review, and analytics.
Many financial institutions and regulatory bodies require companies to provide reviewed financial statements by licensed public accountants. We have a team of experienced professionals who understand regulatory requirements, and we can help you with this.
We also offer specialized services like agreed-upon procedures, performance audits, compliance audits, etc., and are licensed to provide such services.